Thematic Area #1

Sports & Games:

SCN seeks to harness sports and games to foster sustainable practices and social bonds for thriving Sierra Leonean communities. This objective is based on the vision to use these as a tool to address the needs of young people and communities, including those with disabilities. In so doing, SCN will complement governmental efforts and collaborate with various stakeholders, to ensure that sports and games become veritable vehicles for empowering youths to reach their full potential, promote community cohesion and awareness, and instil responsibility in them as productive community members and citizens. The focus is on achieving sustainable development goals, facilitating grassroots sports programs, and integrating sports-based education initiatives to nurture sustainable practices and holistic development.

Thematic Area #2

Entrepreneurship & Business:

With a significant portion of the Sierra Leone population comprising young individuals, exploiting their potential as dynamic entrepreneurs becomes an imperative step towards fostering sustainable growth and job creation, which will not only transform individual lives but also catalyze positive social change and economic prosperity for communities and the nation. The overarching goal of SCN, in its entrepreneurship programme in Sierra Leone, is to drive the development of sustainable communities through youth entrepreneurship. We seek to empower young entrepreneurs and businesspeople through comprehensive training, mentorship, and advocacy for favourable business environments. Additionally, the organization facilitates the provision of essential resources, such as funding and networks, to support the growth and success of these ventures.

Thematic Area #3

Arts & Culture:

The Arts and culture are powerful tools to engage youth in sustainable community development. By promoting creativity and expression, young people can become active changemakers in their communities. SCN provides a platform for nurturing such young leaders, channelling their potential for positive impact through a spectrum of artistic avenues spanning visual, literary, performing, and digital arts. Additionally, art advocacy is employed to call for policies and discussions favouring sustainable community growth, while art therapy is used to facilitate the holistic well-being of individuals and communities alike. This comprehensive approach encompasses diverse activities including theatre performances, music and dance events, art-based advocacy campaigns, cultural exchanges, digital media storytelling, and innovative ventures in sustainable fashion and design.

Thematic Area #4

Digital Platforms & Technologies

A successful community engagement and sustainable transformation require a thoughtful blend of digital platforms, technology, and community-centred approaches. SCN provides training that empowers young people and other stakeholders with the necessary skills to explore digital spaces for positive societal engagement and development, including the use of social media networks, online marketplaces, content-sharing platforms, educational hubs, and online gaming platforms. In this regard, SCN uses digital platforms to disperse information on sustainable practices and community development, educating both youth and communities, while fostering collaborative discussions. Also, through means such as crowdsourcing and co-creation, we involve youth in devising sustainable solutions and utilize virtual events and gamified apps to promote community engagement and learning.

Thematic Area #5

Health & Environment:

Health and environment is one of the five tools SCN intends to use to transform the lives of young people in the Cole Farm community and make it a sustainable community. In doing so, SCN will focus on integrated health and environmental initiatives.

By combining health and environmental initiatives, SCN could create a holistic and sustainable transformation in the Cole Farm community, fostering a healthier, more resilient, and economically empowered population. Regular community engagement, monitoring, and adaptation of strategies based on community feedback will be essential for long-term success. 

More about us

Vision & Values

Why we do what we do and our approach to building and transfroming Sierra Leone

Who We Are

SCN is a not-for-profit venture in Sierra Leone that fosters community collaboration, empowers youth…

Welcome to SCN

Welcome to the Sustainable Communities Network! I am excited to share our vision, mission, and aspirations with you..

What We Do

SCN is dedicated to making a positive impact on society by tackling long-standing social issues through innovative approaches…

Contact Us

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