Vision & Values



Our Mission is to foster national development by creating functional and sustainable communities throughout Sierra Leone



Our vision is for networks of sustainable communities, catalysing Sierra Leone’s development and transformation.



Our values are Collaboration, Accountability, innovativeness, and Progress

Aims & Objectives

SCN pursues a diverse range of objectives to ensure that communities contribute significantly to the development of Sierra Leone. The organisation aims to:


  • Address challenges to social mobility by implementing interventions and advocating for systemic changes that create a society where individuals have equal opportunities to succeed and achieve their full potential regardless of their background or circumstances.
  • Equip young people with the necessary skills and knowledge to unleash their potential in making constructive contributions towards the progress and sustainability of their communities while enabling them to discover significance and direction for their own lives.
  • Facilitate the grounds for community members to become stakeholders of their communities by promoting active participation of all in community development, encouraging the contribution of local ideas and resources, and engendering a sense of community leadership and ownership.
  • Work with the mutual support of and in collaboration with other NGOs, local and international communities, and the Sierra Leonean government to optimise the effectiveness of SCN’s members in contributing to the development of Sierra Leone.
  • Foster community development in Sierra Leone by promoting engagement and entrepreneurship that empowers individuals and communities to create forms of sustainable growth and progress, which benefit everyone in the community

More about us

Welcome to SCN

Welcome to the Sustainable Communities Network! I am excited to share our vision…

Who We Are

SCN is a not-for-profit venture in Sierra Leone that fosters community collaboration, empowers youth…

Our Team

Meet the Sustainable Communities Network Team and learn how to partner with us…

What We Do

SCN is dedicated to making a positive impact on society by tackling long-standing …

Contact Us

Find out how to contact us and find more information about SCN …

get involved

Find out more about working with SCN and how to partner with us for the development of Sierra Leone