About Us

Who We Are

SCN is a socially entrepreneurial organisation that focuses on promoting social mobility, youth empowerment, community development, and collaboration in Sierra Leone. We seek to redress the challenges hindering societal progress and cohesion by implementing innovative interventions and advocating for systemic changes that provide equal opportunities for all individuals, irrespective of their background. We are particularly committed to empowering young people with the necessary skills to make positive contributions to their communities and discover purpose in their own lives. Through the use of sports and games, entrepreneurship, digital technologies, Health and the environment, and the arts and culture,  SCN strives to foster community engagement i order to create sustainable growth and progress that engender resilient communities, unlock potential, and transform lives.

I am because we are, for we are made for togetherness, for family. We are made for complementarity. We are created for a delicate network of relationships, of interdependence with our fellow human beings, with the rest of creation.

Desmond Tutu

More about us

Vision & Values

Why we do what we do and our approach to building and transfroming Sierra Leone

Contact Us

Find out how to contact us and find more information about SCN …

Our Team

Meet the Sustainable Communities Network Team and learn how to partner with us.

What we Do

SCN is dedicated to making a positive impact on society by tackling long-standing social issues through innovative…

Welcome to SCN

Welcome to the Sustainable Communities Network! We are excited to share our vision, mission, and aspirations with you..

Get involved

Find out more about working with SCN and how to partner with us for the development of Sierra Leone