Ibrahim Abubakarr Kamara earned a diploma in journalism and media studies from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone.

He is deeply engaged in journalism and youth activism. He is a news reporter at Africa Young Voices Media Empire (AYV), where he contributes to informing and shaping public discourse.

Ibrahim is dedicated to expanding his knowledge and skills in public relations and marketing communications at Fourah-Bay College, University, Sierra Leone, where he is pursuing a degree.

In addition to his professional endeavors, he is passionate about sports, particularly football, where he finds joy both as a commentator and an enthusiast. Additionally, he delves into political analysis, contributing to discussions that shape the societal landscape.

In his leisure time, he finds solace in novels, always seeking new adventures and opportunities to expand his horizons and deepen his understanding of the world around him.

Ibrahim Abubakarr Kamara

Media Focal Point Person


Mr Hindolo Magbity

Mr Hindolo Magbity

IT Advisor

Mr Vidal Lisk

Mr Vidal Lisk

IT Advisor

Ms Isha Sesay

Ms Isha Sesay

Operations Assistant

Mr Francis Nylander

Mr Francis Nylander

ICT Instructor

Mr. Ahmed Kabba

Mr. Ahmed Kabba

Community Outreach Officer

Ms. Aminata Kanu

Ms. Aminata Kanu

Finance Officer

More about us

Vision &Values

Why we do what we do and our approach to building and transfroming Sierra Leone

Who we are

SCN is a not-for-profit venture in Sierra Leone that fosters community collaboration, empowers youth…

Welcome To SCN

Welcome to the Sustainable Communities Network! I am excited to share our vision, mission, and aspirations with you..

What we do

SCN is dedicated to making a positive impact on society by tackling long-standing social issues through innovative approaches…

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