Sylvester Blango embarked on his academic journey at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone where he earned his bachelor’s degree. His career trajectory began with a brief stint in the income tax department before transitioning into the private sector, focusing on real estate.

Driven by a passion for serving others, Sylvester relocated to the United States, where he dedicated over 23 years to the field of human services.

Currently holding a management position as an Associate Director in a non-profit organization, he plays a pivotal role in providing essential services to individuals with autism, intellectual disabilities, and behavioral challenges.

In his capacity as Associate Director, Sylvester oversees a dedicated team of staff across various levels within the organization. He also collaborates closely with external professionals to ensure the delivery of personalized services tailored to the unique needs of everyone served. Guided by the belief that all individuals are inherently valuable and deserving of opportunities for growth and development, Sylvester and his team strive to empower their clients to reach their full potential.

Sylvester Blango

Associate Director


Mr Thomas Nyamawa

Mr Thomas Nyamawa

Director of Operations

Mrs Bridget Massaquoi

Mrs Bridget Massaquoi

Communications & Advocacy

Mr. Peter Menjor

Mr. Peter Menjor

Director of Development

Mr Joseph Gbonda

Mr Joseph Gbonda

Director of Finance

Mr Gerard Magbity

Mr Gerard Magbity

Executive Advisor

More about us

Vision &Values

Why we do what we do and our approach to building and transfroming Sierra Leone

Who we are

SCN is a not-for-profit venture in Sierra Leone that fosters community collaboration, empowers youth…

Welcome To SCN

Welcome to the Sustainable Communities Network! I am excited to share our vision, mission, and aspirations with you..

What we do

SCN is dedicated to making a positive impact on society by tackling long-standing social issues through innovative approaches…

Contact Us

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